· Visualisations · 4 min read

Creating Violin Plots with Seaborn in Python

Creating Violin Plots with Seaborn in Python


Violin plots are an essential data visualization tool for displaying and comparing the distributions of multiple datasets. They are especially useful when there are complex distributions with multiple modes or varying densities. In this article, we will learn how to create violin plots with Seaborn, a powerful Python data visualization library, and how they can help you make insightful decisions in your data analysis projects.

Properties and Parameters

Seaborn’s violinplot function has a variety of properties and parameters that can be used to customize the appearance and behavior of the plot. Here are some important parameters to keep in mind when creating violin plots:

  1. x and y – The data values to be plotted. Specify one of these as a categorical variable and the other as a numeric variable.

  2. hue – A variable in the dataset that can be used to group the data, adding another dimension to the plot.

  3. data – The input dataset, typically a Pandas DataFrame.

  4. order, hue_order – The order in which categories should be plotted. By default, Seaborn plots categories in the order they appear in the dataset.

  5. bw – The bandwidth, a scalar controlling the smoothness of the kernel density estimate. Higher values will create smoother plots, while lower values reveal more details about the data distribution.

  6. cut – The distance (in units of the data) to extend the density estimates beyond the data’s extreme values. Defaults to 2.

  7. inner – Determines the representation of the datapoints in the violin plot. Options include 'box', 'quartiles', 'stick', and 'point'. Defaults to 'box'.

  8. split – A boolean allowing you to split the violin plot, useful when the hue parameter is used with only two levels.

  9. scale – Controls how the violins are scaled. Options include 'area', 'count', and 'width'. Defaults to 'area'.

Simplified Real-life Example

Here’s a simple example showing how to create a violin plot using Seaborn with a dataset containing information about various car models and their prices.

import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd

# Sample data
data = {
    'Brand': ['Toyota', 'Toyota', 'Ford', 'Ford', 'Tesla', 'Tesla'],
    'Price': [25000, 30000, 20000, 22000, 50000, 55000]

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# Create a violin plot
sns.violinplot(x='Brand', y='Price', data=df)

Complex Real-life Example

Let’s extend our example and add more complexity, exploring how to customize the violin plot using additional properties and parameters. The dataset now includes different car types and fuel efficiency values.

import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd

# Sample data
data = {
    'Brand': ['Toyota', 'Toyota', 'Ford', 'Ford', 'Tesla', 'Tesla', 'BMW', 'BMW'],
    'Type': ['Sedan', 'SUV', 'Sedan', 'SUV', 'Sedan', 'SUV', 'Sedan', 'SUV'],
    'Price': [25000, 30000, 20000, 22000, 50000, 55000, 35000, 45000],
    'Fuel Efficiency': [35, 28, 32, 25, 100, 95, 30, 26]

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# Create a violin plot
sns.violinplot(x='Brand', y='Price', hue='Type', data=df, cut=0, inner='box', scale='width')

The cut parameter essentially trims the violin extending beyond the data points. The inner='box' setting represents the data points as a box plot inside the violin. The scale='width' parameter ensures that all the violins have the same width.

Personal Tips

Here are a few personal tips to enhance your experience with Seaborn violin plots:

  1. Experiment with the inner parameter to find a representation of data points that works best for your analysis. Each option highlights different aspects of the data.

  2. When analyzing skewed data, consider combining violin plots with swarm plots. This can help highlight the distribution and density of the data points more accurately.

  3. Seaborn integrates well with Matplotlib, which means you can customize your plots further – adjusting axis labels, titles, or adding legends for better readability.

In conclusion, violin plots with Seaborn are a versatile and powerful tool for visualizing and comparing complex data distributions. By understanding the available properties and parameters and applying them to real-life examples, you can create insightful, professional-quality violin plots for your data analysis projects.