· SQL · 5 min read

Filtering Data with WHERE Clause SQL Server

What is a WHERE clause?

A WHERE clause in SQL Server allows you to filter data based on a specific criterion. Simply put, it narrows down the data retrieved from a table by applying a certain condition. This makes it easier to sort through large amounts of data and find what you’re looking for.

Here’s an example - say you have a table of customer data and you want to find all customers who live in a specific city. You could use the WHERE clause to filter the data:

FROM Customers
WHERE City = 'New York';

This will return only the rows where the City column matches ‘New York’ and disregard all other rows. You can also filter data based on multiple criteria using AND and OR operators. For instance, to find all customers in New York who have a Gmail email address, you could run:

FROM Customers
WHERE City = 'New York' AND Email LIKE '%@gmail.com';

Using the WHERE clause in SQL Server is an essential tool for querying databases and can save you a lot of time and headache.

Using comparison operators in WHERE

In SQL Server, the WHERE clause can be quite versatile thanks to the use of comparison operators. These operators allow you to compare one value to another and retrieve only the rows that satisfy a certain condition. There are several comparison operators available, including:

Equal to =
Not equal to <>
Greater than >
Less than <
Greater than or equal to >=
Less than or equal to <=

Let’s say you have a table of products and want to find all products with a price greater than $50. You could use the greater than operator in the WHERE clause:

FROM Products
WHERE Price > 50;

This will retrieve only the rows where the Price column is greater than 50. You can also use other comparison operators, such as the equal to operator, to find only exact matches:

FROM Products
WHERE Category = 'Electronics';

This will retrieve only the rows where the Category column is equal to ‘Electronics’, and disregard all other rows.

Comparison operators in the WHERE clause are a powerful tool for filtering data and can be used in various combinations to suit your needs.

Filtering with logical operators

When filtering data with the WHERE clause in SQL Server, you may need to use logical operators to filter on multiple conditions at once. Logical operators allow you to combine two or more conditions using logical AND, OR, or NOT to create a compound condition.

For example, let’s say you have a table of employees and want to find all employees who are either in the IT department OR have a salary greater than $50,000. You could use the OR operator in the WHERE clause:

FROM Employees
WHERE Department = 'IT' OR Salary > 50000;

This will retrieve only the rows where either the Department column is ‘IT’ OR the Salary column is greater than 50,000.

You can also use the AND operator to filter on multiple conditions:

FROM Orders
WHERE Date >= '2021-01-01' AND Date < '2022-01-01';

This will retrieve only the rows where the Date column falls within the specified date range. Notice that the first condition is greater than or equal to January 1st, 2021, while the second condition is less than January 1st, 2022. This ensures that only the rows with dates between those two values will be retrieved.

Logical operators can be combined in various ways to create more complex filter conditions that meet your specific needs. Keep in mind that the order in which you specify the conditions can affect the results, so be careful to specify them correctly.

Filtering with wildcards

In SQL Server, you can use wildcards in the WHERE clause to filter data based on patterns rather than exact matches. Wildcards are special characters that are used to represent one or more characters in a string. The two most commonly used wildcards are the percent sign (%) and the underscore (_).

The percent sign (%) represents any zero or more characters. For example, if you have a table of product names and want to find all products that contain the word “phone”, you could use the following query:

FROM Products
WHERE Name LIKE '%phone%';

This will retrieve all rows where the Name column contains the word “phone”, regardless of where it appears in the string.

The underscore (_) represents a single character. For example, if you have a table of usernames and want to find all usernames that begin with “joe” and end with any one character, you could use the following query:

FROM Users
WHERE Username LIKE 'joe_';

This will retrieve all rows where the Username column begins with “joe” and ends with any one character.

Wildcards can be used in combination with other filter criteria to create more complex patterns. It’s important to keep in mind that using too many wildcards or using them improperly can result in slow query performance, so use them judiciously.


Filtering data with WHERE Clause SQL Server is an essential tool to query databases effectively. It allows you to narrow down the data retrieved based on specific criteria, apply comparison operators to compare values and filtering by logical operators and wildcards. To create more complex filter conditions, Logical operators can combine multiple conditions in a simple way. The use of wildcards can manipulate patterns rather than exact matches. It is important not to use too many wildcards or to use them improperly as you may lead to slow query performance. In my experience, It is important to keep the filters as specific yet as simple as possible to improve performance and speed.
