· Pandas · 8 min read

Iterating Over Rows in Pandas - A Tutorial

Writing a For Loop to Iterate Over Pandas Rows

If you have a data science background, you will know how important it is to process your data properly. One of the most useful tools in Python for data processing is pandas. Pandas allows you to do something called iterating over the rows of a DataFrame which can be a powerful tool in any data processing workflow. In this article, we are going to take a deep dive and explain how to write a for loop to iterate over pandas rows.

For Loop Structure

For loops in pandas allow you to iterate over rows in a DataFrame. Let’s first examine the basic structure of a for loop:

for element in iterable:
    # code to execute

Here, an iterable can be a list, a tuple, a dictionary, or any other object that can return its elements one at a time. The for loop defines a variable (element in our example) that takes on each value in the iterable one at a time. During each loop iteration, the code inside the loop runs with the current value of the variable.

Iterating Over Rows

Now that we know the basic structure of a for loop, let’s take a look at how to use it in pandas for iterating over rows. In pandas, a DataFrame is made up of rows and columns. One of the easiest ways to iterate over the rows of a DataFrame is to use the iterrows() method.

The iterrows() method returns an iterator that yields a tuple for each row in the DataFrame. The first value in the tuple is the row’s index, and the second value is the row data as a Pandas Series object.

Here is an example of iterating over a DataFrame using iterrows():

for index, series in dataframe.iterrows():
    # code to execute

Here, the index variable takes on the index value of each row, and the series variable takes on the row data as a Pandas Series object. Inside the loop, you can use the index and the series object to manipulate the data.

Example Usage

Let’s take a look at a real-world example. Imagine that you have a dataset that contains data on people’s first name, last name, and age. You want to create a new column that concatenates the first name and last name fields and also calculates the difference between their age and the mean age of the dataset. Here’s how you can do that with a for loop:

# calculating mean age of the dataset
mean_age = dataframe.age.mean()

# iterating over rows to create and calculate new column
for index, row in dataframe.iterrows():
    full_name = row['first_name'] + ' ' + row['last_name']
    age_difference = row['age'] - mean_age

    dataframe.at[index, 'full_name'] = full_name
    dataframe.at[index, 'age_difference'] = age_difference

We first calculate the mean age of the dataset using the mean() function. We then iterate over the rows of the DataFrame using iterrows() and build the full_name and age_difference column using the data from the current row and the mean age of the dataset. Finally, we use the at method to set these values in the DataFrame at the current row index.


In this article, we took a deep dive into writing a for loop to iterate over pandas rows. We looked at the basic structure of a for loop, how to use iterrows() method in pandas to iterate over rows, and an example of how to use this in a real-world scenario. Iterating over rows in pandas can be a powerful tool in data processing workflows, and hopefully, this article has provided you with some useful insights.

Using iterrows() to Iterate Over Every Row

When processing data in Python, it is often necessary to iterate over every row in a DataFrame. Iterating over every row in a pandas DataFrame can be done using the iterrows() method. In this article, we’ll discuss how to use iterrows() and explain a few things to keep in mind when working with this method.

The iterrows() method provides an easy way to iterate over every row in a pandas DataFrame. This method returns an iterator that yields a tuple for each row in the DataFrame. The first item in the tuple is the index label for each row, and the second item is a Pandas Series object containing the row data.

Using iterrows() to iterate through every row

Here is an example of using iterrows() to iterate through every row in a DataFrame:

for index, row in dataframe.iterrows():
    # Do something with each row data

In this example, we use a for loop to iterate over every row in the DataFrame. The iterrows() method returns a tuple containing the index label of the row and a Pandas Series object containing the row data. We assign these values to variables index and row, respectively. Inside the loop, you can manipulate the data for each row by using the variables index and row.

Performance considerations

While using the iterrows() method is a simple way to iterate over every row in a pandas DataFrame, performance can become an issue for larger DataFrames. This is because iterrows() returns a copy of the data in every row, which can become slow for large datasets.

One way to increase performance when working with large datasets is to use the apply() method instead of iterrows(). The apply() method can apply a function to every row in a DataFrame, which can be much faster than using iterrows().

Example usage

Let’s take a look at an example of how to use iterrows() to perform a simple task. Suppose we have a DataFrame with customers’ IDs, first names, last names, and ages, and we want to print out every customer’s full name and age. We can use iterrows() to accomplish this:

for index, row in customer_df.iterrows():
    full_name = row['first_name'] + ' ' + row['last_name']
    age = row['age']
    print(f"{full_name} is {age} years old.")

In this example, we use iterrows() to iterate over every row in the DataFrame. We then create two new variables, full_name and age, by extracting the relevant data from the current row with the row variable. Finally, we print out the customer’s full name and age using an f-string.


In this article, we discussed how to use the iterrows() method to iterate over every row in a pandas DataFrame. While this method is simple to use, performance can become an issue for larger datasets. In such cases, it may be better to use the apply() method instead. Hopefully, this article has provided you with some insight on how to use iterrows() and how to work with pandas DataFrames.

Optimizing Row Iteration with itertuples() Method

While the iterrows() method is useful for iterating over rows in a pandas DataFrame, there is a faster method known as itertuples(). In this article, we’ll discuss how to use itertuples() and explain why it can be faster than iterrows() for large DataFrames.

The itertuples() method is similar to iterrows(), but it returns a named tuple for each row in the DataFrame. A named tuple is a tuple with named fields, which can be accessed using dot notation. This is faster than returning a Pandas Series object, as with iterrows(), because named tuples are implemented in C and are therefore faster to create and access.

Using itertuples() to iterate through rows

Here is an example of using itertuples() to iterate through rows in a DataFrame:

for row in dataframe.itertuples():
    # Do something with each row data

In this example, we use a for loop to iterate over every row in the DataFrame. The itertuples() method returns a named tuple containing the row’s index label and the row’s data. Inside the loop, you can manipulate the data for each row using dot notation.

Performance considerations

While itertuples() is faster than iterrows(), it comes with some limitations. The itertuples() method is not as flexible as iterrows() because it always returns a named tuple with fields named after the DataFrame columns. This means that the names of the resulting fields may not match the original DataFrame column names if the Dataframe column names are invalid Python variable names.

Another limitation of itertuples() is that it returns a tuple for each row, which can take up more memory than a Pandas Series object. This means that itertuples() may not be the best choice for very large DataFrames where memory usage is a concern.


Processing data in Python is a common task in a data science workflow. Manipulating and iterating over rows in large datasets can be both challenging and time-consuming. Pandas provides several ways to iterate over rows in a DataFrame; the two most common methods are iterrows() and itertuples().

This article explains how to use iterrows() and itertuples() and discusses the benefits of using the latter method. While itertuples() is faster and more memory efficient than iterrows(), it comes with some limitations, such as less flexibility and naming compatibility issues. Therefore, it’s important to choose the most appropriate method depending on the size of your dataset and the type of task you want to perform.

As someone who has experience working with large datasets, I recommend considering itertuples() when iterating over rows in a DataFrame, especially for larger datasets. However, it’s always wise to test both methods and choose the one that works best for your specific use case.