· Python · 3 min read

Python Ternary Operator: Single-Line Conditional Expressions

Python Ternary Operator: Single-Line Conditional Expressions


The ternary operator in Python is a shorter way to write a simplified if-else statement which is contained in a single line. This operator is helpful for situations when you need to make a quick decision between two values based on a condition. Using the ternary operator makes your code more concise and easier to read.

Syntax and Parameters

The syntax for the ternary operator in Python is:

result = value_if_true if condition else value_if_false

It consists of three parts:

  1. condition: This is the boolean condition that needs to be evaluated. It can be any valid Python expression that returns a boolean value (True or False).

  2. value_if_true: This is the value that will be assigned to the result variable if the condition is True.

  3. value_if_false: This is the value that will be assigned to the result variable if the condition is False.

These three parts are combined in a single line, which makes the code shorter and easier to read, especially for simple conditions.

Simplified Example

Let’s consider a simple example of calculating the discount for a software product based on the user’s membership level. For a premium member, you want to offer a 50% discount, while for a regular user, a 30% discount should be applied.

Using the ternary operator, this can be implemented as follows:

membership = "premium"
price = 100

discount = 50 if membership == "premium" else 30
price_with_discount = price * (1 - discount / 100)

print("Discount applied:", discount, "%")
print("Final price:", price_with_discount)

In this example, the if-else statement is condensed into a single line, making the code smoother and less prone to indentation errors.

Complex Example

Now let’s consider a more complex example in which the discount needs to be progressively calculated according to the user’s membership level, referral points, and eligible coupons.

def get_discount_level(membership, referral_points):
    if membership == "premium":
        discount_level = 50
        discount_level = 30

    if referral_points >= 50:
        discount_level += 10
    return discount_level

def apply_coupon(discount_level, coupon_code):
    coupons = {
        "COJOLT10": 10,
        "COJOLT15": 15,
        "COJOLT20": 20

    applied_discount = coupons.get(coupon_code, 0)
    return discount_level + applied_discount

membership = "regular"
referral_points = 55
coupon_code = "COJOLT20"
price = 100

discount_level = get_discount_level(membership, referral_points)
total_discount = apply_coupon(discount_level, coupon_code)
price_with_discount = price * (1 - total_discount / 100)

print("Total discount:", total_discount, "%")
print("Final price:", price_with_discount)

In this more complex example, the ternary operator is used multiple times for various conditions such as checking the membership, calculating referral discounts, and applying the valid coupon.

Tips on Using the Ternary Operator

  • Use the ternary operator for short and simple conditions to improve code readability. For complex conditions or multiple nested statements, stick with traditional if-else constructs.
  • Be cautious with the operator precedence in complex expressions. Add parentheses if needed, to ensure the correct order of operations.
  • Avoid chaining multiple ternary operators, as it reduces the readability of the code. Instead, consider other methods or separate them into simple and easy-to-understand constructs.

In conclusion, the Python ternary operator is a useful tool for writing concise and neat if-else statements in a single line. Incorporate it into your coding practices to make your code easier to read and maintain, while ensuring its proper use in appropriate situations.
