· Python · 3 min read
Understanding Python Dictionaries: Syntax and Usage
Understanding Python Dictionaries: Syntax and Usage
Python dictionaries are a versatile data structure that allows you to store key-value pairs. They are useful when you need to store and retrieve data in a highly efficient manner. In this article, we will explore the properties and usage of Python dictionaries to help you better understand and manipulate them.
Dictionary Properties and Usage
A dictionary in Python is created using curly braces {}
and consists of key-value pairs, where each key is separated from its corresponding value by a colon :
. The keys can be of any immutable data type, such as strings, numbers, or tuples, while values can be any data type.
Creating a Dictionary
To create a dictionary, you can use the following syntax:
my_dict = {
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2",
"key3": "value3",
Accessing and Modifying Values
To access a value in a dictionary, you can use the key inside square brackets:
value = my_dict["key1"]
To modify a value, use the key to access the value and assign a new value to it:
my_dict["key1"] = "new_value"
Dictionary Methods
Python dictionaries have built-in methods for common operations:
- Returns the number of key-value pairsmy_dict.keys()
- Returns a list-like view of the dictionary’s keysmy_dict.values()
- Returns a list-like view of the dictionary’s valuesmy_dict.items()
- Returns a list-like view of the dictionary’s key-value tuplesmy_dict.get(key[, default])
- Returns the value for the given key or the default value if the key is not presentmy_dict.update(other_dict)
- Updates the dictionary with the key-value pairs from the other dictionarymy_dict.pop(key[, default])
- Removes the key-value pair with the given key and returns the value, or the default value if the key is not presentmy_dict.clear()
- Removes all key-value pairs
Basic Example
Here’s a simplified example that shows how to use a dictionary to count the number of occurrences of unique words in a list of words:
word_list = ["apple", "banana", "apple", "orange", "banana"]
word_count = {}
for word in word_list:
if word not in word_count:
word_count[word] = 1
word_count[word] += 1
The output will be:
{'apple': 2, 'banana': 2, 'orange': 1}
Advanced Example
Now, let’s look at a more complex example to understand the power of dictionaries. This example demonstrates using dictionaries to store and manage configuration settings for an application:
config = {
"db": {
"host": "localhost",
"username": "user",
"password": "pass",
"port": 5432,
"email": {
"smtp": {
"host": "smtp.example.com",
"port": 587,
"username": "smtp_user",
"password": "smtp_pass",
"admin_email": "admin@example.com",
# Accessing nested dictionary values
db_host = config["db"]["host"]
email_port = config["email"]["smtp"]["port"]
# Modifying configuration settings
config["db"]["username"] = "new_user"
config["email"]["smtp"]["username"] = "new_smtp_user"
# Adding a new configuration section
config["debug"] = {
"log_level": "info",
"log_file": "/var/log/app.log",
This example shows how to successfully store, access, and modify hierarchical configuration data using nested dictionaries.
Personal Tips
- When using dictionaries, make sure your keys are unique, as duplicate keys will overwrite the previous value associated with that key.
- Use the
method to access dictionary values to avoid KeyError exceptions. - Use the
method to set a default value for a key if it does not exist. For example:my_dict.setdefault("key4", "default_value")
- To check if a key is in a dictionary, use the
operator:if "key1" in my_dict: