· SQL · 6 min read

User-Defined Functions in SQL Server

Introduction to User-Defined Functions

User-Defined Functions (UDFs) are an important feature of SQL Server. They allow developers to write custom functions that can be used in SQL scripts, stored procedures, and other database objects. UDFs can return a scalar value or a table. They can also take parameters which makes them incredibly versatile.

Creating a UDF is relatively simple. The syntax for a scalar UDF is similar to a stored procedure. The main difference is that it returns a value instead of executing a set of SQL statements. Here is an example of a simple scalar UDF that takes an integer parameter and returns its square:

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.CalculateSquare(@Number INT)
    RETURN @Number * @Number

You can then use this UDF in a SELECT statement to display the square of a number:

SELECT dbo.CalculateSquare(5)

The result would be 25.

Table-valued UDFs are similar to scalar UDFs, but they return a table instead of a single value. They are useful when you need to return a set of values based on some criteria. Here is an example of a table-valued UDF that returns all the employees in a department:

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.GetEmployeesByDepartment(@DepartmentID INT)
    SELECT *
    FROM Employees
    WHERE DepartmentID = @DepartmentID

You can then use this UDF like this:

SELECT * FROM dbo.GetEmployeesByDepartment(1)

This will return all employees in department 1.

Overall, UDFs are an extremely useful feature of SQL Server that allow you to create custom functions for your database. They are easy to create and use, and can save a lot of time and effort in writing complex SQL queries.

Creating Scalar User-Defined Functions

Scalar User-Defined Functions (UDFs) are functions that return a scalar value, such as an integer or a string. They are similar to built-in SQL functions but are custom-built by the developer.

Creating a scalar UDF is similar to creating a stored procedure. Here is the basic syntax for creating a scalar UDF:

CREATE FUNCTION function_name (argument1 data_type, argument2 data_type)
RETURNS return_data_type
   -- Function logic goes here

Let’s create a scalar UDF that takes an integer as an argument and returns the factorial of that integer:

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.Factorial (@n INT)
    DECLARE @result INT
    IF @n = 0
        SET @result = 1
        SET @result = @n * dbo.Factorial(@n - 1)
    RETURN @result

In the example above, we’ve created a UDF named “dbo.Factorial” which takes a single integer parameter “n” and returns an integer value. We’ve used recursion to calculate the factorial. If the given integer is 0, then the function will return 1, otherwise, it will call itself recursively with “n-1” as an argument and multiply the result with “n”.

Now we can use this UDF in any SQL statement, just like we use any built-in SQL function. Here is an example:

SELECT dbo.Factorial(5) as Result

This will return the result of the factorial of 5 which is 120.

Overall, Scalar User-Defined Functions are very useful when you need to return a specific result based on some criteria that can’t be returned with built-in SQL functions. They are easy to create and use, and can save a lot of time and effort in writing complex SQL queries.

Creating Table-Valued User-Defined Functions

Table-Valued User-Defined Functions (UDFs) are functions that return a table as a resultset. They can be used to encapsulate complex queries into a single function. Table UDFs are useful when you want to return a set of rows based on some criteria.

Here is the basic syntax for creating a Table-Valued UDF:

CREATE FUNCTION function_name (argument1 data_type, argument2 data_type)
RETURNS @return_table TABLE (column1 data_type, column2 data_type)
   -- Function logic goes here

Let’s create a UDF that returns all the customers who have placed an order within the last 30 days:

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.GetRecentCustomers()
    SELECT DISTINCT Customers.CustomerID, Customers.ContactName, COUNT(*) AS OrderCount
    FROM Customers
    INNER JOIN Orders ON Customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID
    WHERE Orders.OrderDate > DATEADD(day, -30, GETDATE())
    GROUP BY Customers.CustomerID, Customers.ContactName

In the example above, we’ve created a UDF named “dbo.GetRecentCustomers” which returns a table. The table has three columns; CustomerID, ContactName, and OrderCount. The UDF uses an INNER JOIN to join the Customers and Orders tables and applies a WHERE clause to restrict Orders placed in the last 30 days. The resultset is then grouped by CustomerID and ContactName, and an OrderCount is calculated for each group.

After creating the UDF, we can use it in any SQL statement, just like any built-in SQL function. Here is an example:

FROM dbo.GetRecentCustomers()
WHERE OrderCount > 5

This will return all the customers who have placed more than 5 orders in the last 30 days.

Table-Valued User-Defined Functions are very useful when you need to return a complex resultset based on some criteria that can’t be returned with standard queries or built-in SQL functions. They are easy to create and use, and can save a lot of time and effort in writing complex SQL queries.

Using User-Defined Functions in SQL Queries

User-Defined Functions (UDFs) can be used in SQL queries, just like any built-in SQL function. UDFs can simplify complex queries and make them more readable.

Here is an example of using a Scalar User-Defined Function in a SQL query:

SELECT CustomerID, ContactName, dbo.GetOrderCount(CustomerID) AS OrderCount
FROM Customers

In the example above, we are using a UDF named “dbo.GetOrderCount” which takes a single parameter “CustomerID” and returns the number of orders placed by that customer. We are using this UDF in a SELECT statement to display the CustomerID, ContactName, and OrderCount.

Here is an example of using a Table-Valued User-Defined Function in a SQL query:

FROM dbo.GetRecentCustomers()

In the example above, we are using a UDF named “dbo.GetRecentCustomers” to return a set of customers who have placed an order within the last 30 days. We are using this UDF in a SELECT statement to display all the columns of the resultset.

Overall, using User-Defined Functions in SQL queries can make queries more readable and easier to understand. UDFs can also encapsulate complex queries into a single function, making them easier to reuse in other parts of the application.


In this article, we have covered the basics of User-Defined Functions (UDFs) in SQL Server, including both Scalar and Table-Valued UDFs. We have explained how to create UDFs and how to use them in SQL queries. UDFs are a powerful tool that can save developers a lot of time when writing complex SQL queries. By encapsulating complex queries into single functions, UDFs can make queries more readable, easier to understand, and easier to maintain. Whether you are new to writing SQL queries or an experienced developer, understanding UDFs can greatly improve your database programming skills.
